10 May 2017

Guildford Election Special

Here in the Learning Resource Centre at Guildford we currently have a rolling display of information on the impending General Election.

If you are 18 or over you are entitled to vote on Thursday 8 June.

If you have not voted before you need to register to vote. There is an easy online form to fill in – but there is a deadline! You need to have registered by 23:59 on 22 May 2017.

If you are not on the electoral roll by the 22 of May you will not be allowed to vote in the election and have no say in the way we will be governed over the next five years.
No vote - no voice
Are you going to be on holiday or otherwise away from home on Election Day – 8 June? If you are you can apply for a postal vote.
Come up to the LRC to see who your current MP is and what constituency you live in. Some of the MPs in the surrounding area are well known names and faces in the current government and you may well be surprised at who your MP is.
Once the list of candidates is announced, they will be on display here so you can see who you can opt to vote for on the 8 June.