23 January 2012

LRCs First Impressions Survey Results

Farnham, Guildford, and Merrist Wood LRCs

Thank you to everyone who took park in our First Impressions Survey in October 2011.  All three LRCs were involved and we got some really great feedback.

Our Survey Said - Our Response


87% of students overall rate the LRC staff 'Good'
Farnham College received the top rating of 93%

We aim to... continue to develop a helpful and supportive service for students.


85% of students overall consider the computers to be 'Good' or 'Satisfactory'

61% of respondents rated the computers as 'Good'

13% overall said the computers 'Could Be Better' but this increased to 17% at Merrist Wood

We aim to... continue to develop the computer booking service and to investigate extending the provision of laptops to students particularly at Merrist Wood.


85% of students overall consider the books to be 'Good' or 'Satisfactory'

We aim to... continue to liaise with tutors to ensure key texts are available, including e-books.


88% of students overall consider the LRC decor and environment to be 'Good' or 'Satisfactory'

10% of respondents overall said the decor 'Could Be Better' but this increased to 13% at Guildford College

We aim to... submit a request for painting and decorating at Guildford College LRC in the first instance and, longer term, seek advice from design specialists and submit bids for funds.

16 January 2012

Celebrating Equality & Diversity in the LRCs

In November the College held an 'Equality and Diversity Week' and all three LRCs joined in by organising events and putting up displays.  Here's short write up of what we got up to...

Guildford College LRC

Bali Rai visits to celebrate Diversity Week!

During Diversity Week Author Bali Rai spoke to three groups of 40-50 students from different courses such as Electrical installation, Business, Performing Arts and Beauty Therapies about a wide range of equality and diversity issues. He covered topics including reading, race, equality, the rich-poor divide, the London riots, EMAs and also music. He made the students think and join in by asking questions and promoting discussions.
Bali also spoke about the controversial topic of honour killing which is the subject of his latest novel Killing Honour. It is reported that 17,000 women every year are the victims of honour related violence.
Feedback from the event was very positive and one student tweeted “@balirai you gave an amazing talk at Guildford the other day! enjoyed it alot, thankyou for coming :)” and his books have been going out of the LRC like hot cakes!
Born in Leicester in 1971, Bali grew up in a multicultural, multi-racial community close to the city centre. Since then he has written eight young adult novels and his first, (Un)arranged Marriage, created a huge amount of interest and won many awayres including the Angus Book Award and the Leicester Book of the Year.
If you are interested in reading one of his books you can borrow the following from the LRCs:
·         Killing Honour
·         (Un)arranged Marriage
·         The Gun
·         The Last Taboo

Farnham College LRC

Why I Love My Country
When we put out a request for students and staff to tell us what they loved about their country of origin we didn’t expect such a fantastic result.  We had 57 contributions describing 25 countries, from 5 continents.  A Zimbabwean student wrote about traditional weddings and local music, a Scottish student about partying, many Nepalese described the wonderful mountain scenery and at least a dozen countries had the friendliest people in the world!  For GCSE English students this tied in well with their autobiographical writing and ESOL students practiced their English.  Books and flags, a bungee jumping sheep, a kiwi and traditional Nepalese accessories complemented the display.
Students and staff enjoyed trying to work out who had written the pieces and seeing where the countries were on the large map.  All through Equality and Diversity Week (and beyond – the display was too good to take down after only 5 days) groups of students could be seen reading the latest offerings.  Personally I found it very enriching to learn about the heritage of our College community and to understand more about the adjustments that many students have had to make when settling in to an English way of life.