20 January 2015

LRC First Impressions Survey 2014 Results

Farnham, Guildford, and Merrist Wood LRCs

Thank you to everyone who took park in our First Impressions Survey in November 2014.  All three LRCs were involved and we got some really great feedback.

Our Survey Said - Our Response


100% of students overall rate the LRC staff 'Good' or 'Satisfactory'

We aim to... continue to develop a helpful and supportive service for students.


86% of students overall consider the computers to be 'Good' or 'Satisfactory'

13% overall said the computers 'Could Be Better'

We aim to... continue to work with IT staff to help reduce the problems experienced in the LRCs in the first term.


82% of students overall consider the books to be 'Good' or 'Satisfactory'

We aim to... continue to liaise with tutors to ensure key texts are available, including e-books.


88% of students overall consider the LRC decor and environment to be 'Good' or 'Satisfactory'

11% of respondents overall said the decor 'Could Be Better'

We aim to... continue to improve the environment and general décor at all LRCs to ensure that we provide an environment that is comfortable and suitable for study and learning.